How to Create a File Access Rule

File access rules allow the system administrator to limit the actions performed on a system file and by whom.

Rule Creation 

  1. To create a File Access rule, from the ZeroLock® Management Console (ZMC) go to Dashboard | Control Policies | Rules. Under the Actions drop down menu select Add New Rule
    Add New Rule v3.1.5-1

  2. On selecting Add New Rule the New Policy Rule screen appears.  Using the variety of features offered for this Rule Type, craft a rule that fits the exact File access control action you want ZeroLock® to monitor.  Once the File Access Rule is properly configured, click the Create button.
    New Policy Rule File Access Creation 2.0.1

    Each field of the File Access Rule screen is described below:
  3. Name 1 The name of the rule as it will appear on your Rules page as well as when adding to a policy. 
    Description 2 The description of the rule as it will appear on your Rules page as well as when adding to a policy, useful for explaining the purpose of the rule.
    Rule Type 3 Selecting what type of rule to create (SSH-MFA, Hash, Canary, File Access, Network Access, or Program Execution). This can only be changed during initial rule creation. Once the rule is created, this is the only field that can no longer be edited.
    Source Type 4

    Select between Process, Executable, or Command.

    Process will trigger based on the name of the process (either child, parent process, or both, as defined in "Scope" below) that is running in memory.

    Executable will trigger based on the actual program's filename running in directories such as /bin, /sbin, and others.

    Command will trigger based on the full command line arguments used to launch a process. 

    Source Process/



    5 Designate the Regex that matches on the Process, Executable, or Command that is going to be either allowed or blocked from making a network connection.
    File 6 The REGEX used to identify the file that the rule restricts or allows access to.
    Operation 7 Designate whether the rule will apply to the Process, Executable, or Command making inbound connections, outbound connections, or both.
    Block Operation 8 Designate whether or not the source Process, Executable, or Command will be Blocked or Allowed from making a connection. Checking the box Blocks, while leaving it unchecked Allows the connection.
    Scope 9 Specifies if the rule applies to the Process, Executable, or Command that is occurring as a parent process, a child of another process, or either.
    *Alert Level 10 When this rule triggers, designate whether the alert that appears on the Alerts page will be a Low, Medium, or High level alert. 
    *Send Email Alerts 11

    When this rule triggers, designate whether it will send an email alert to all Users that are assigned to the Endpoint Group of the endpoint that this rule triggered on. Email alerts can be configured on the System Configuration | System Settings page. 

    Note: The SMTP server must be configured under System Settings. Emails will be sent to all ZMC users. 

    *Response Type 12

    When this rule triggers, designate what response actions ZeroLockwill take. 

    Do Nothing will simply trigger an alert on the Alerts page where an administrator can either Release the alert or choose to manually Kill & Remediate the triggering connection. 

    Suspendwill lock the triggering connection but not end it immediately, waiting for an administrator to choose to Release the alert and allow the connection to continue or to Kill & Remediate it. 

    Killwill automatically end the connection, but any actions taken by the connection will remain in place. 

    Finally, Remediate will both end the connection and remediate any actions taken on the system by restoring the system to an unaltered state using the backup cache. 

    *Auto Quarantine 13 When this rule triggers, designate whether the endpoint will be automatically set to Quarantine until administrator manually Unquarantines the endpoint on the Endpoints page. 
    Note: Fields with an * only appear when the Block Operation is selected.


Add New Policy

Once the rule is created it must be applied to a policy.

  1. Navigate to the Control Policies | Policies page.  Then select the Add New Policy button.2.0 Add New Policy

  2. On the New Policy pop-up menu, give your new policy a name and description. To add the new File access rule, click the Add Rules button.
  3. Selecting the Add Rules button opens the Policy Rules screen from which you select the rule(s) you want for the policy you’re creating.
    Policy Rule List File Access 2.0.1
  4. Select the File Access rule then click Add Selected which returns you to the New Policy screen.  Select Create and you have a new policy.New Policy File Access Created 2.0.1

Create a New Configuration Profile

In order to apply the new File Access policy to an endpoint, the policy must be added to a configuration profile.

  1. Navigate to the System Configuration | Config Profiles page where you will click the Add New Profile tab.Config Profile_Add New Profile 2.0.1
  2. On the next screen, enter a name and description for the configuration profile you are creating. In the Default Control Policy box select File Access Policy from the default drop-down menu. Lastly, click Create.File Access Config Profile v3.0.2
  3. The File Access Profile is now listed among the available profiles.New File Access Profile Available 2.0.1-1

Apply to New Profile to an Endpoint

The final step is to apply this profile to an endpoint.

  1. Go to Endpoints and select an endpoint that you want to apply the Canary File policy to.  Then, from the Actions drop-down menu, select Set Endpoint Config.Endpoint Actions Set Endpoint Config 2.0.1-1
  2. On the Set Endpoint Configs pop-up menu, select the created configuration profile from the drop-down menu. Then hit the Set Configs button.
  3. Now, when you go back to the Endpoints screen, you see the profile for Endpoint #2 has changed to reflect the File Access profile.File Access Endpoint Configuration Completed 2.0.1

Congratulations, you have successfully created and applied a File Access rule.