How To Delete Endpoint Alerts

An alert is generated when ZeroLock detects system behavior that meets criteria set forth by previously configured Control Policies and Rules. Alerts appear on the Alerts page.


Alerts can be deleted individually or by filtering the results using any column. The example below demonstrates filtering the TYPE column to display only Tampering alerts for all endpoints.Image_1_Alerts Selected_v4.1.3

Image_2_Alert Type Selection_v4.1.3

Once alerts have been selected, from the ACTIONS drop-down menu, click on Delete Alerts.

Image_3_Actions Dropdown Delete Alert_v4.1.3_KB

The ID numbers of the alerts to be deleted are listed. Clicking DELETE immediately deletes the alerts.

Image_4_DELETE Dialog Box_v4.1.3

You are returned to the Alerts page.



To delete alerts via the Endpoints screen, select the Endpoint(s) then, from the ACTIONS drop-down menu, select Delete Endpoint Alerts.

Image_1_Delete Endpoint Alert_v4.1.3

On the screen that appears you will select the type(s) of alert and the time frame.

Image_2_Delete Endpoint Alerts Selection Box_v4.1.3

  1. Select the Alert Type(s) that are to be deleted.
    Image_3_Select Alert Types_v4.1.3
  2. Once the alert type is chosen, select the time frame for how far back you wish to maintain the alerts. The options are:
    • Keep the last 6 months
    • Keep the last 3 months
    • Keep the last month
    • Keep the last week
    • Keep the last dayImage_4_Select Time Frame_v4.1.3
  3.  Once satisfied with the settings, click DELETE ALERTS.Image_5_Type and Timeframe Selected_v4.1.3
  4. On clicking DELETE ALERTS, a screen indicating the success of the alert deletion appears.Image_6_Deletion Success_v4.1.3