How To Manually Add a New ZeroLock® Agent Version to the ZeroLock Management Console

This article walks through manually adding a ZeroLock Agent to the ZeroLock Management Console.

In the following example, Agent version '3.5.16' is being added to the ZeroLock Management Console. 

  1. Download the new ZeroLock Agent file from the support site.
  2. Copy the downloaded file to ZeroLock Management Console.
  3. Unzip the ZeroLock Agent tar file: tar xzvf zerolockagent_<version number>_cpkg.tgz
    Command:  tar xzvf zerolockagent-3.5.16_cpkg.tgz

    Image_1_Unzipping pkg_3.5.16

  4.  Change to the newly created bin folder.
  5. Copy all contents from the bin folder to the ~/zerolock-server/database/assets folder.

    Image_2_Copy bin folder contents_1-1
  6. Lastly, we need to update the sha512 file to contain the information for the new agent build.
    1. Change to the assets folder: cd  ~/zerolock-server/database/assets
    2. Append to the file: cat checksums-<version number>.sha512 >> checksums.sha512
      Command: cat checksums-3.5.16.sha512 >> checksums.sha512 


  7. Verify that the imported ZeroLock agent installation files are available:
    1. Navigate to the Deploy page on the ZeroLock Management Console.
    2. Click on the Advanced Setting link.
    3. In the Agent Version Dropdown, the new ZeroLock Agent version will be displayed.

Image_4A_Deploy Page-1

Image_4_Advanced Settings_3.5.16

    Using the ZeroLock Management Console (ZMC), you can now upgrade your endpoints with the new  ZeroLock Agent version using the following methods:

