1. Vali Cyber Knowledge Base
  2. ZeroLock®
  3. ZeroLock Management Console - ZMC

Updating the ZeroLock® Management Console

How to update a ZeroLock Management Console (ZMC) and Agent. 

    Updating the ZeroLock Management Console

    The ZMC will be updated from version  3.2.4 to 3.3.5.  Before starting, copy the 3.3.5 tar file to the ZMC’s destination system (zerolock-server-<version number>.tgz).

    1.  Log in to the ZMC and verify that the connected Endpoints are active.
    2. On the ZMC, as a non-root user, unzip the zerolock-server-<version number>.tgz file.
      tar xzf zerolock-server-3.3.5.tgz
    3. Change to the zerolock-server directory and shut down the servers.
      cd zerolock-server

      image_1_shutdown servers

    4. Change to the zerolock-server-3.3.5 directory and run the installation of the new release.
      cd zerolock-server-3.3.5
    5. Run the installation of the new release.
      bash install-zerolock-server.sh
    6. Verify that the installation sees the previous version and is going to back up the database, then press Y.
      image_2_Verify previous version

    7. Navigate to the zerolock-server directory and start the servers by executing the start command.
      ./start-zerolock-server.sh -d

    Verify ZeroLock Version

    Once logged into the ZeroLock Management Console, you can verify the ZeroLock server version at the bottom of any primary console screen.  

    image_4_ZMC Version_KB_1

    You have successfully updated the version of your ZeroLock Management Console!


    Update Agents on Endpoints

    1. Navigate to the Endpoints page on the ZeroLock Management Console.  If an endpoint is connected it means that the Agent is running. Verify the version of the Agents that are running. In this example, the Agent version is 3.5.11.  Select the endpoints to have versions updated

      Step_1_Select Endpoints_B

    2. From the Actions drop-down list, select Update Agent Version.
      Step_2_Actions Dropdown-2

    3. The newest version will be the default selection in the Update Agent Version window, click Update.

      Step_3_New version Selected-1
    4. The Status light will change to RED as the endpoint is disconnected during the update process.  After a few minutes, the connection light should turn GREEN and the VER column should have updated to the new release 3.5.12.
      Step_4_RED Endpoints

      Step_4_GREEN Endpoints

    For more information, please see the Vali Cyber support page.