Updating the ZeroLock® Management Console

The ZMC will be updated from version 3.1.19 to 3.2.2.  Prior to starting, copy the 3.2.2 tar file to the ZMC’s destination system (zerolock-server-<version number>.tgz).

  1. Log in to the ZMC and verify that the connected Endpoints are active.
  2. On the ZMC, unzip the zerolock-server-<version number>.tgz file.
    tar xzf zerolock-server-3.2.2.tgz
  3. Change to the zerolock-server directory and shut down the servers.
    cd zerolock-server

    Step_3_Stop Server-1

  4. Navigate to the zerolock-server-3.2.2 directory and run the installation of the new release.
    cd zerolock-server-3.2.2
  5. Run the installation of the new release.
    bash install-zerolock-server.sh
  6. Verify that the installation sees the previous version and will back up the database, then press Y.
    Step_6_Install Server 3.2.2-1

  7. Navigate to the zerolock-server directory and start the servers by executing the start command.
    ./start-zerolock-server.sh -d
    Step_7_Start Server 3.2.2-1

Verify ZeroLock Version

Once logged into the ZeroLock Management Console, you can verify the ZeroLock version at the bottom of the primary console screens.  

Verify Server Version_KB-1

You have successfully updated the version of your ZeroLock Management Console!