ZeroLock® Management Console: Endpoints Homepage

Overview of the ZeroLock Management Console’s Endpoints Homepage.

 Homepage Overview 

Image_1_Endpoints Homepage_v4.1.3

  1. EXPORT DATA  Export Arrow v3.1.5 -   Allows downloading all the information on your screen in CSV format. Clicking Export Data or the symbol will download all the information on your screen in CSV format.
  2. ACTIONS – Selecting this button opens a drop-down menu providing actions that may be taken on an endpoint. All options are greyed out until an Endpoint is selected, which is done by checking the box next to it.

    The status, protected or unprotected, also impacts the options available on an endpoint.Image_3_Protected_Unpotected Options_v4.1.3_KB

  3. Column Headings - The column headings are self-explanatory. When the mouse is hovered over a column heading a blue ^ symbol appears. Selecting the symbol in a column heading will reorder the listed Endpoints based on the values in that column. For example, endpoints may be viewed by order of IP Address high to low or low to high. If the values are identical, such as ‘default’ under Profile, nothing happens.

    ID Numeric designation of Endpoint. Ex. 1, 2, 3, etc.

    The status of the selected Endpoint.

    Options: Connected, Disconnected, Quarantined.

    Active Alerts Options: All Open, High, Medium, or Low.
    Hostname The internal designation for the Endpoint.
    IP Address IP address of the Endpoint.
    Lasy Check In

    Date/Time format: dd-mm-yy hh:mm

    Options: Last Hour, Last Day, Last Week, and Clear Filter.

    Profile This represents the Configuration Profile assigned to the Endpoint.
    Groups Groups of users allowed to manage an Endpoint.
    Collector References the service that resides in the containerized repository that collects endpoint connection and threat information. An IP address will be listed.
    OS The operating system of the machine the Endpoint is running on.
    Ver Version of the Endpoint Agent.


  4. Endpoints - The endpoints that currently exist in the environment.
  5. Endpoint Status -  The display shows the connection status of the configured endpoints.
  6. View - Provides a drop-down listing of the screen configurations, i.e., layouts or views, that are available. Until other views are created, the only option in the drop-down list is All fields.   As other views/layouts are created, they will appear on the list.
Edit - Selecting the cog or gear symbol  Settings Cog Symbol v3.1.5 brings up the Edit View pop-up screen. This screen enables changing of the layout (view) of the columns such as moving or hiding columns. The different views you create may be saved under their own name for easy access from the VIEW tab.

When the Edit View screen first appears, the only option is Save A Copy.  To create a different view select Save A Copy, causing the SAVE VIEW AS window to pop up, or move a column, and Save A Copy is replaced by Modified, Reset, and Save As.  Selecting SAVE AS also brings up the SAVE VIEW AS window.

    1. Modified – is static and only shows that the ‘original’ layout (view) has been changed.  The label goes away when it’s saved.
    2. Reset – erases your changes, returning the profile to its original configuration.
    3. Save As – allows you to name and save the view you created.

Step_2_A_Save a Copy-1

For the new view, the Last Check In column was hidden.  To save this new layout or view, click Save As, which brings up the Save View As screen. Enter a name for the new view then select Save As which will return you to the previous screen.

Step_2_Save View As-2

Clicking the Done button, or outside of the Edit View image, returns you to the Endpoints screen without saving changes. To save changes you must have selected Save Changes before exiting.

Image_7_Endpoint View_v4.1.3

Deleting a view is simple. Select the view to be deleted, then click the Edit orImage_5_Settings Cog_v4.1.3_KB to open the Edit View. Selecting Delete in the upper right corner replaces the Edit View with the Delete View box. Select the Delete View button then Done or click outside the Edit View image to return you to the Endpoints screen. 

Delete View v3.1.5

This concludes the ZeroLock® Management Console: Endpoints Homepage overview.